Making History
The BE-3PM was the first new liquid hydrogen-fueled rocket engine to be developed for production in America in over a decade.

BE-3PM: A Historic Rocket Engine
On November 23, 2015, BE-3PM powered New Shepard’s Propulsion Module (PM) above the Kármán line and reignited for a soft landing on its history-making flight to space and back. That same engine repeated the feat four more times before we retired that propulsion module.

High-Performance Hydrogen Engine
Designed for First-Stage Applications

At full power, BE-3PM generates 110,000 lbf (490 kN) thrust at sea level. When returning to Earth, it uniquely throttles down to 20,000 lbf (90 kN), enabling a gentle vertical landing on the pad.
Like the Space Shuttle’s main engines, BE-3PM uses high-performing liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen. BE-3PM is designed for operational reusability with minimal maintenance between flights. Our approach increases availability while lowering operating costs.